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Policy Administration


Policy Administration

Insurers are looking to modernise their administrative processes by achieving 100% automation and digitisation of core processes. To achieve this goal, they need a policy administration system that will improve time to market, the ease of doing business with distributors, internal workflows and efficiencies, data accessibility and business user satisfaction, all while reducing system maintenance costs, technology risk and operating costs. Actisure’s Policy Administration system provides that competitive edge.

Full lifecycle management
Multiple policy types

Full and flexible Policy Administration lifecycle

Actisure manages the full policy lifecycle on a health insurance contract, enabling the creation and administration of policies, from inception through renewal or cancellation, including support for underwriting, policy lapses, reinstatements and mid-term adjustments.

Individual Policy

for individual policyholders and their dependents (including affinity businesses)

Corporate Policy

for corporate entities to cover their employees and their dependents

Enterprise Policy

for corporate entities where membership is non-rostered and/or where self-funding (partial and full) is required


Full tailoring

Elements of Corporate and Enterprise policies can be layered to allocate benefits in a hierarchy starting with the consumption of individual limits, which once exhausted move to a family allowance and later a company funded ‘claims bucket’ with optional excess of loss. This facility also allows some benefits to be fully insured and others provided by a claims fund. Product settings can be tailored at the Policy level, allowing for full tailoring to satisfy customer requests and aid in winning business, whilst keeping the original Product intact, and removing the need to create new versions of a product for every customer request. Membership management tools for Corporate and Enterprise policies also include the concept of ‘sessions’ allowing multiple users (including the customer themselves via the Actisure Digital Corporate customer portal) to carry out tracked membership changes concurrently without the risk of any conflicts that impact data integrity. Data mapping and bulk upload tools for handling joiners, leaver and mid-term adjustments are also included and exposed to the customer directly for the Actisure Digital Corporate customer portal.

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