Two huge shifts are completely revolutionizing healthcare

The need to tame runaway cost inflation, which is spawning new incentives and payment structures
 Digital health, which is democratizing data and empowering consumers

Evolving medical technology and increasing demand for better health care has resulted in a significant rise in the demand for health insurance.

As private health insurers seek to optimise their costs, focus on differential value and move from a short-term transaction to a longer-term partnership in which the insurer and the insured collaborate to improve behaviors and health outcomes, they need a powerful, flexible global platform with an innovative and digital approach.

A powerful, flexible global platform with innovative and digital approach
Actisure, a winner of the 2015 XCelent Functionality Award

With Cegedim Insurance Solutions, insurers shorten time-to-market, drive innovation, respond quickly to regulatory changes and gain a much deeper understanding of the customer to influence and lower risk.

Actisure, winner of the 2015 XCelent Functionality Award (© Celent 2015), is a flexible, service-oriented software platform that manages domestic books of business with implementations across the UK, Europe, USA, Middle East, Asia Pacific, China, Africa and Australia.

Cegedim Insurance Solutions empowers domestic health insurers to:

Reduce costs and increase productivity

Actisure Claims, a core module of our platform, adjudicates and pays millions of claims every year. It is the most sophisticated adjudication engine available.

Learn more about Actisure  

Scale to process large transaction volumes

Our scalable system allows you to add new features and customers without any programming. It also adapts to the resulting changes without requiring database changes or programming.

Learn more about our scalable system  

Improve operational efficiency

Actisure’s Policy Administration system gives you high levels of automation to bring down costs and reduce errors. It simplifies business processes and services, for example taking advantage of Member management portals to enable client companies' HR departments to directly and securely manage staff movements. This can also be done through file transfers.

Learn more about our policy administration module  

Ensure fast time-to-market

Thanks to its Product Management subsystem that includes a series of intuitive user-configurable “building blocks”: they can be configured in many different ways to enable the implementation of highly sophisticated products, starting from the individual to corporate and enterprise products.

Learn more about the Product Management subsystem  

Be customer-centric and provide digital solutions

to meet insurer’s unique digital strategies Portals for clients, customers, channel & service partners, but also mobile applications with more than 3 million policyholders.

Learn more about our portals and mobile applications  

Reduce demand for expensive healthcare

by detecting minor physical and cognitive health issues early on, supporting patients in hospital, avoiding more serious health problems through appropriate lifestyle interventions. We work towards these aims by offering 2 digital prevention solutions :MyWellnessPartner &; MyHospiPartner

Learn more about MyWellnessPartner & MyHospiPartner  

Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

Digital Healthcare providers Assessment lowers out-of-pocket expenses for patients, optimizes quality of treatment, and increases patient loyalty toward insurers. Thanks to portals and mobile apps, insurers can decide to display certain scores so they can help more patients.

Learn more about Digital Healthcare providers Assessment  

Predict behaviour analysis

by reducing anomalous behaviour through health professionals and insured customers' improved understanding of controls. Our Big Data strategy and solutions exist as part of our digital landscape offer in order to support insurers in their challenge of transformation from ‘payer to partner'.

Learn more about our Big Data offer  

Underpin your growth

with our outsourcing offer focus your internal resources on your customers and your most important activities, enjoying a secure, reliable and adaptable information system – more than 7 million members managed for over 100 clients with International Standards : ISO 20 000, ISO 27 001, ISAE 3402.

Learn more about our outsourcing offer  

Our clients trust us


This solution is an enabler to our business and strategy. The time-to-market was faster than any we have seen before.

GloHealth CEO, Jim Dowdall.
HEALTH, health insurance business for Irish market.

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